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About The College


Established in 1983, the College was known as Msasa Vocational Training College and had only six lectures, one being female. It was mainly aimed at upgrade training, shaping and directing talent and creativity through upgrade training. If creativity is a latent in a human, it can be activated by study and experimentation. Skills upgrading as it was known, was aimed at identifying talents in employed persons with no qualifications but had the know how to perform the job. They were trained so as to attain relevant qualifications and were then trade tested.

Established as a small Vocational Training College under the Ministry of Manpower development in conjunction with MTB with only two departments namely Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, the College now boasts of six departments namely Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Wood Technology, Building and ICT.

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A business or organization established to provide a particular service, typically one that involves a organizing transactions.

To provide an effective Apprentiship Training , Trade Testing and certification Service to meet the demands of organized industry, the informal sector and the economy as a wholemin order to ensure credibility of National Qualification and realize aspirations of potential trainees and skilled workers

The process of systematically and clinically measuring through the practical performance of tasks and written expression of technical knowledge, the competency of a person aspiring to be a skilled worker, using established standard skills proficiencies for the level of the test

Apprentice gains indepth practical and theoretical knowledge of chosen trade

Training provides the Apprentice with the versatility to adapt to technological changes

Skills training provides Apprentice with oppotunities to improve economic security

Successful Apprentice are awarded internationally recognised certificates

Apprenticeship Training ensures an adequate supply of skilled workers to meet the needs of industry

Minimises the need for supervision by developing initiative and ability of Apprentice

Increases employee productivity and ensures customer satisfaction

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